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Thursday, December 25


12:40 pm

Sunday, December 21
i am moving to wordpress.com soon!

under construction

1:06 pm

Friday, December 19
Happy Birthday to me! :D

Thank You for all the birthday wishes and messages my dear friends! ((:

one year older (:

11:33 pm

Wednesday, December 17
be back soon (:

MayDay- 突然好想你

最怕空氣突然安靜 最怕朋友突然的關心

最怕回憶突然翻滾絞痛著 不平息


想念如果會有聲音 不願那是悲傷的哭泣

事到如今 終於讓自己屬於我自己


突然好想你 你會在哪裡


突然好想你 突然鋒利的回憶


我們像一首最美麗的歌曲 變成兩部悲傷的電影



我們 那麼甜 那麼美 那麼相信

那麼瘋 那麼熱烈的曾經


突然好想你 你會在哪裡


突然好想你 突然鋒利的回憶


最怕空氣突然安靜 最怕朋友突然的關心

最怕回憶突然翻滾絞痛著 不平息


最怕此生已經決心自己過 沒有你


9:37 pm

Friday, December 12

9:58 pm

this morning went to send cousin into army at pasir ris camp and we were toured around the buildings and given food as in what the NS men will be eating, drumstick wor. ha. the environment looks new and clean, there's gym, soccer field, basketball court... games day included.

after that, went to marina to meet HT, adel, sarina and peishan for seoul garden. ((: eat and eat and eat, we forget about dieting for one day. haha. then we walked to the espanade because i wanted to see the merlion! XDD then we went starbucks for a drink and had a long nice chat. (:

from sarina to us :D


girls, if you want other photos, let me know (:

9:57 pm

Wednesday, December 10
had dinner with family at East Coast just now, on the way home i winded down a small portion of the window to let in some wind because aircon wasnt working well. before reaching home, dad decided to send our car for car-washing, i was half asleep and before i know, a whole GUSH of water came rushing in from my window. OMG disaster luh! i forgot to wind up the window. HAHAHAH! the car washer didnt notice anything, and continued spilling water towards the window. sis was quick enough to close the window for me. shirt and seat were all wet, and of cos was scolded by dad. and had to walk home from the petro koisk because i was all wet. i will never open the window again! doubt dad willl unlock it anyway. ha!

cousin is going NS on friday. Good Luck cousin! ((:

well Good night people!

theres only one thing two do three words four you

10:46 pm

Sunday, December 7

went to downtown east to watch this circus yesterday, A CIRCUS EXTRAVAGANZA, by a group of russians performers.

Changed the song (:
Born Crain-belgium songwriter
4 Letter Word

It’s just a four letter word
But it’s getting absurd
And I even got the feeling that it’s gonna get worse
So maybe I should try and see what it’s gonna take
For this thing we call love

I’m tumbling down
And hit the ground before I say ‘hello’
‘Cause when you’re around
My words come slow and I shake from head to toe

And I feel it
I’m having it bad, and it’s driving me mad
I keep dreaming
That one day you want me like I want you

It’s just a four letter word
But it’s getting absurd
And I even got the feeling that it’s gonna get worse
So maybe I should try and see what it’s gonna take
For this thing we call love

What’s going on?
I lose my cool and I just can’t explain
I’ll hang at the bar
And have a drink while I watch you slip away

Oh I feel it
You play hard to get, but you ain’t seen nothing yet
Still I keep dreaming
That one day you need me like I need you

It’s just a four letter word
But it’s getting absurd
And I even got the feeling that it’s gonna get worse
So baby take your time, ‘cause I’m gonna wait
For this thing we call love

four letter word – it’s so absurd – four letter word

Gues I’ll regret someday
It always gets me carried away
I should have known you just like to play

1:32 pm

Thursday, December 4

i saw this MV in some mtv. but couldnt download the song. anyone who has it, PLEASE send it to me. THANKS! ((:

Born Crain - 4 Letter Word

11:05 pm

i have being too lazy to blog recently. everyday seems to be the same. wake up in the late morning, out for lunch, shop/watch drama, dinner then SLEEP AGAIN. i cant wait to get back to school. HA! yea meeting the girls next week. ((:

today, went TM with sis, bought a few things, including a new phone. :D then went for a eight-course dinner with mum's friends.

drama time again. :D

Good night!

volunteers during the robotics challenge

10:26 pm



music is life

Taylor Swift - Picture to burn

reverse fast forward

credits etc.
leave them be